Industry Engagement
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Foundational members ($250,000 minimum as affiliate funds)
- Opportunity to join the StorageX Advisory Council
- Opportunity to help set the research, education and engagement strategy
- Facilitated faculty engagements
- Research updates
- Facilitated Stanford student engagement
- Invitation to all StorageX conferences, workshops and education courses
Affiliate members ($100,000 minimum as affiliate funds)
- Research updates
- Facilitated Stanford student engagement
- Invitation to all StorageX conferences, workshops and education courses.
Small Business or Nonprofit Member
At the $25,000 level, this tier is reserved for small businesses or nonprofits with fewer than or equal to 100 employees. These StorageX Initiative members receive invitations to all StorageX and Precourt Institute for Energy events.
Our consortium of faculty is led by Faculty Co-Directors Prof. Yi Cui, and Prof. Will Chueh, both of the Materials Science and Engineering department and Senior Fellows at the Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University.
All StorageX Intiative memberships are subject to Stanford University Policies for Industry Affiliates Programs. All Visiting Scholars must comply with Stanford University Visiting Scholars guidelines.