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StorageX Initiative is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy.

2022 StorageX RFP

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Request for Proposals from Stanford Faculty

The Stanford StorageX Initiative

Stanford Energy
Issued: September 1, 2022
Proposals Due: September 30, 2022

The Precourt Institute for Energy is buildigng Stanford Energy’s capacity to conduct
high-impact research across the full range of energy sourcing, conversion, storage,
transmission and uses, as well as improve the financial, legal and regulatory environments
that affect the deployment of energy technologies.
The Stanford StorageX Initiative, launched by Precourt Institute in 2019, is Stanford's
energy storage initiative that creates a global community of academics, industrialists,
thought leaders and government officials interested in research, development and scale-up
of energy storage as a critical aspect/component of the global energy transformation. The
transformation to sustainable energy systems will touch everyone, and every aspect of
people's lives, as well as blur and redefine traditional industrial segments and
boundaries. The intermittent nature of renewable power generation and the pursuit of zero
carbon/low carbon energy for transportation, heat, industry, and power all rely on
advances in energy storage, from short duration to seasonal storage. The research,
development, and scale-up of advanced low cost efficient energy storage is the compelling
vision behind the Stanford StorageX Initiative.

RFP Scope
The Stanford StorageX Initiative invites proposals for seed funding for projects in all
aspects of energy storage related research. Two types of seed project submissions will be
1) For projects with 1-2 PI’s the project awardees will receive $100k/year.
2) For projects with 3 or more PI’s, the project awardees will receive $200k/year.
This year, the initiative plans to fund up to $700,000 for projects in this RFP round. Renewal for a
second year may be possible, and is contingent on the progress of the first year’s research among
other things.

Collaborations between PI’s and co-advising are strongly encouraged.
This request for proposals from the Stanford StorageX Initiative is open to all energy
storage research project ideas. Of special interest are proposals in the areas of:
● Circular Economy
● Fast Charging
● Modeling and Simulation of Batteries
● Non-Battery Energy Storage.
While the above areas are currently of most interest to the Stanford StorageX Initiative, we
are also open to novel ideas in all areas of energy storage research.
If you have a proposal idea and would like a judgment on how well it fits within this
solicitation’s goals, please contact the initiative program manager: Kaylee Nguyen

Proposal Submission, Review, and Award Process
Proposal Submission
The deadline for proposal submission is September 30, 2022. Proposed budgets need not
be routed through OSR for this internally funded research.
Please submit your proposal online at:

Proposal Format
● The proposal is subject to a two-page limit with fonts no smaller than 11 point. This
includes the text, figures, tables, and references. In addition, a single powerpoint
slide which summarizes the proposal is required. The PI’s are encouraged to include
some preliminary results if there are any.
● Each Principal Investigator who will be associated with the proposed work should
submit a brief background limited to one additional page per PI or Co-PI.
● No formal budget is required.
Proposal Review
The objective of the review process is to identify high-quality projects that are consistent
with the goals of this solicitation. The proposals will be screened for relevance and then
reviewed by the StorageX Initiative Leadership.
It is anticipated that awards based on this solicitation will be announced by October 15,
2022, and projects selected for award may begin on or after November 1, 2022. Award
decisions do not require further approval.

Eligibility for Seed Grant Funding
Please note that the primary Principal Investigator (PI) must be a Stanford faculty member
and be eligible per Stanford policy.

Project Reporting
We require PIs of funded projects to participate in the Stanford StorageX Initiative annual
conference. A final report is required after finishing the project.
Project PIs and students will be expected to participate in technical review sessions,
workshops in related areas, and other activities that report on the research being
performed. In addition, PIs will be expected to respond to information requests from the
Precourt Institute regarding any additional publications, patents, follow-on funding and
other progress related to the seed project after the end of the funded period.

For technical issues or questions about topic areas please contact the initiative program
manager: Kaylee Nguyen (