Initiating, Translating & Scaling-up of Battery Innovations in North West Europe & Silicon Valley Workshop
Monday, February 12, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Cardinal Hall
Stanford University Redwood City Campus
505 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063
*Note that this event takes place at Stanford Redwood City Campus*
8:00-8:30: Registration and Breakfast
8:30-8:40: Welcome & Opening Remarks
Will Chueh, Professor, Stanford University
8:40-9:10: Journey from Academic Innovation to Entrepreneurship
Yi Cui, Professor, Stanford University
9:10-9:40: A Quick Dive Into the German Battery Ecosystem
Martin Winter, Professor, Helmholtz Institute Münster, University of Münster
9:40-10:10: Battery Research in the Netherlands, with Strong Partners Abroad
Sebastian Thiede, Professors, University of Twente
10:10-10:30: Applied Materials: Perspectives on Cross-Atlantic Effort to Scale Production of Ultra-Thin Li films - from Lab to GWh Production
Subra Herle, CTO of Energy Storage and Sr. Director, Applied Materials
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-11:05: The E-Lyte Story – From University to an Internationally Successful Company
Joschua Helmer, Sales Manager, E-Lyte
11:05-11:25: InLyte Energy: A Story of Innovation in a Cross-Atlantic Start-Up
Antonio Baclig, CEO, Inlyte Energy
11:25-12:10: Panel 1: Combining the Best of Both Worlds: German and Silicon Valley Innovation Ecosystems
Moderator: Pulakesh Mukherjee, Partner, Imperative Ventures
Antonio Baclig, CEO, Inlyte Energy
Subra Herle, CTO of Energy Storage and Sr. Director, Applied Materials
Joschua Helmer, Sales Manager, E-Lyte
12:10-1:30: Networking Lunch
1:30-2:00: Life Cycle Analysis of Sodium-Ion Batteries
Simon Lux, Professor of Applied Electrochemical Energy Storage Technology and Economic Chemistry, University of Münster
2:00-2:30: Diagnosing Lithium-ion Battery Health: From Lab to Field Data
Simona Onori, Associate Professor, Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University
2:30-3:00: Thin Films as Battery Model Systems
Mark Huijben, Professor, University of Twente
3:00-3:30: Strain Engineering of Solid Electrolytes
Wendy Gu, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
3:30-4:00: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Battery Materials
Payam Kaghazchi, Associate Professor, Inorganic Materials ScienceUniversity of Twente
4:00-4:15: Break
4:15-5:00: Panel 2: The Many Paths of Energy Storage Towards Achieving Decarbonization
Moderator: Sally Benson, Professor of Energy Science & Engineering, Stanford University
Martin Winter, Professor, Helmholtz Institute Münster, University of Münster
Vineet Mehta, Director - Battery Technology & Powertrain Architecture/Modeling, Tesla